BANGKOK – Once again the famous fortune tellers of Thailand have re-affirmed their credentials as the wisest and most credible people in the Kingdom, reporting a 35th consecutive year of complete retroactive accuracy for the year 2007 (2550).
Coming in from all corners of the kingdom, the most sought-after seers, after carefully auditing their predictions for the year, are all self-reporting stunningly precise foresight.
Warin Buawiratlert, the Chiang Mai fortune-teller who has among his illustrious clients both the Shinawatra family and the high-ranking members of the CNS, was again at the top of the list in showing the world the scientific infallibility of his ability to see the future.
“In August I correctly foresaw the successful passing of the new Constitution by 14,727,306 votes. The number came to me in a dream. But I didn’t tell anyone because it might have caused unrest and disunity.”
Warin went on to report that he also foresaw the death of Princess Galyani Vadhana, but felt that saying so would have been “disrespectful at the time.”

One of the most famous soothsayers, Kitja Thaveekulkij, who famously retroactively predicted the 2004 tsunami, also reported astounding forecasts that have already come true.
According to his own careful review, Kitja correctly predicted the wildfires that swept California, the typhoons that devastated Bangladesh, and the drought that struck much of Australia. When asked about the impending disasters for 2008, Kitja was generous in providing NTN with an excellent and detailed preview: “There will be many events. Some weather related, others not. Many people will be hurt, and others will escape with the help of fortune. The events will happen in many places around the world, at different dates throughout the year.” Kitja promised specific information near the beginning of 2009.
Astrologer Pinyo Pongcharoen, a true scientist of the predictive arts, confirmed that his intimate knowledge of the constellations and their alignment during notable incidents in Thailand’s past had once again led him to a perfect retro-forecast for 2007.
“The stars told me everything in advance, including the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, the marriage of Paradorn and Natalie, and South Africa winning the Rugby World Cup.” According to his secretary, it was only out of sheer courage and selflessness that Pinyo chose to hold these truths close to himself, revealing them only later. Pinyo added that “2008 has already been revealed to me, but with yet another warning to be discreet with such insight.”
With the wisdom of such great men at our disposal, the kingdom is in good hands.