Santika Fire Commemorated With Increase In Fire Inspection Bribes
BANGKOK – To mark the second anniversary of the tragic fire at…
Anand Panyarachun Appointed To Solve Rat Infestation On Lad Phrao Soi 72/1
Former prime minister Anand Panyarachun, who honed his rodent negotiating skills in…
Putin Hails New Era of Being Depicted as Hollywood Bad Guys
MOSCOW – Prime Minister Vladimir Putin told the Russian parliament yesterday that…
BTS Announces 10X Price Increase With Evil Laughter
BANGKOK – The Bangkok Mass Transit System Public Company Limited (BTSC) announced…
HEARING VOICES: Bangkok Underwater In 25 Years?
According to new scientific data from the GEO2TECDI Project, rising sea level…
Thailand Launches 2G
BANGKOK – TOT celebrated the finishing touches on the installation of second-generation…
Tourist Child Terrified Of Thai Women With Colored Contact Lenses
PHUKET — A young visitor to the Kingdom has been irrevocably emotionally…
Hundreds Gathering At Last Quiet Spot In Bangkok
BANGKOK – Crowds were gathering late last night at what many believed…
Korn Cites ‘Diarrhea’ As Reason For Drop in Q3 Productivity
Finance Minister Korn Chatikavanij discusses the consistency of his bowel movements with…