Latest 2009 News

‘Manager’ Prints Entire September Issue By Replacing ‘Thaksin’ With ‘Abhisit’

BANGKOK – The September issue of Manager, a politics and news magazine published…

Kim Jong Il’s Pancreas Sent To Labor Camp

PYONGYANG – South Korean intelligence reports now confirm that Kim Jong Il’s…

Embassy Confirms Bangkok Italian Restaurants Officially Outnumber Bangkok Italians

BANGKOK — The Italian embassy in Bangkok officially confirmed yesterday that Italian restaurants now…

Thai FDA Approves Production of Flu Amulet

BANGKOK – Responding quickly to the H1N1 pandemic, Health Minister Witthaya Kaewparadai…

‘Da Torpedo’s Words Running Amok, Wreaking Havok

BANGKOK – In a stunning and horrific vindication of the government’s decision…

Thaksin Phone-In Sways Academy Fantasia Voting

BANGKOK – Demonstrating his considerable political power despite being a convict-in-exile, former…

ESPN Star Sports Now Broadcasting Nana Plaza’s “Ride The Bull”

BANGKOK — Desperate to increase its flagging programming options without investing any…

Expat Still Insisting He Met Dodgy Thai Girlfriend Through Facebook

BANGKOK – Matthew Huntington, a 34-year-old American expat, continues to insist that…

David Carradine Murdered By Secret Shaolin Masturbation Sect

BANGKOK – The investigation into the death of David Carradine took a shocking…

Local Man Freaked Out After Finding ‘BNE’ Sticker On His Fridge Door

BANGKOK – Canadian expatriate Jamie Redwood filed a police report yesterday after finding…