
2004 – 2023

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Allow Me To Explain Our Version Of Thai History

You seem a little confused by all of this, so let me…

Yingluck In Love With Obama

"The signs are all there," noted Berkley Professor of South Asian Studies,…

NGO Worker Regrets Supporting Suu Kyi After Losing Good Burmese Nanny

BANGKOK – The long-sought reform of the Burmese government resulted in a…

Corporate Centrist Hegemonist Defeats Corporate Centrist Hegemonist

WASHINGTON, DC – Executive power was smoothly transferred once again in the…

Coke, Pepsi, Serm Suk To Spend Billions Convincing Thais Cola Does Something

BANGKOK – The cola wars are heating up in Thailand, as three…

HEARING VOICES: U.S. Re-elects Barack Obama?

The United States re-elected Barack Obama. How does this affect Thailand? What…

Romney Signs Million-Dollar Deal To Play Anti-Christ In Upcoming Christian Film

LOS ANGELES – Defeated presidential candidate Mitt Romney wasted no time in…

Reds, Yellows, Others Struggle For Useful Obama Victory Metaphor

BANGKOK – Following the re-election of US President Barack Obama, leaders of…

Expat Shocked His Letters To Editor Didn’t Sway US Election

UDON THANI – Long-time Thailand resident and prolific letter writer Bill Arnold…