
Latest Bangkok News

Bruce Willis Reportedly In Suvarnabhumi Vent System

BANGKOK – Police say they are ready to reclaim the Bangkok International…

‘Final Battle’ Declared Success

BANGKOK – The PAD declared success in its “Final Battle”, the seventh…

Southerners, Farmers Rejoice at Obama Victory

Farmers, fishermen, urban laborers, rubber tappers and those just "born that way" celebrated…

TAT Promotes PAD, General Chaos as New Tourist Attraction

BANGKOK – With the tourist season approaching and international arrivals already down 15%…

Illiterate, Deaf, Mute Farang Captured on Ramkhamhaeng

BANGKOK - Anthropologists in Thailand made a shocking discovery last week when…

Samak Just Yelling at People On Street Now

BANGKOK – Disgraced ex-prime minister Samak Sundaravej has resorted to yelling at…

Apirak Promises Promises, Fulfills Promise

BANGKOK – Apirak Kosayodhin promised today he would make even more dramatic…

Chuwit Promises to Govern Bangkok Entirely Via Billboards

BANGKOK – In yet another startling twist to the hotly contested race…