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Wikileaks Reveals Kristie Kenney’s Tweets Are Secret Coded CIA Assassination Orders

The highly-trained CIA assassin. BANGKOK – Yet another bombshell was dropped on…

Gulliver’s Serves 1,000,000th Asshole

KHAO SAN ROAD – Local bar and nightspot Gulliver’s Travelers Tavern celebrated…

Thai Patriots Network Demands Japanese Surrender Soi Thaniya

SILOM – The Thai Patriots Network, or TPN, is now claiming an…

World Pizza Council Revokes Pizza Company’s Use Of Word ‘Pizza’

NAPLES, ITALY — The Pizza Company, Thailand’s largest pizza chain, may soon…

Health Ministry Warns Of Mormon Outbreak

BANGKOK – The Health Ministry has issued its most serious health watch…

Santika Fire Commemorated With Increase In Fire Inspection Bribes

BANGKOK – To mark the second anniversary of the tragic fire at…

Introduction Of Belgian Beers Fails To Improve Go-Go Bar Experience

NANA PLAZA – The addition of six gourmet imported Belgian beers to…

Wikileaks Alleges US Traded ‘Krispy Kreme’ For Viktor Bout

WASHINGTON — New diplomatic cables released by Wikileaks detailing internal communications between…

Paradorn Announces Retirement From Professional Sponsorship

BANGKOK – Thailand’s former champion product endorser Paradorn Srichipan officially announced his retirement…

Viktor Bout To Be Extradited By Auction

BANGKOK – The Foreign Ministry announced today a halt to the extradition…