BANGKOK – Further solidifying Bangkok’s reputation as a haven for the world’s criminals, local police today took Daniel Michael DeVito, Jr, formerly known as The Penguin, aka Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot, into custody.
Police say DeVito had checked into the Oriental Hotel on Saturday, and believed he may have been here to meet with accomplices The Joker and Two-Face.
Staff said on first glance the four-foot-eleven DeVito looked “just like any tourist”, but became suspicious of him after a doorman kept pointing at him and shouting in hushed whispers, “It’s Dan-ee… Dan-ee Dee-Vee-to… the Penguin.”
A receptionist immediately called police who rushed to the scene and ambushed DeVito at the pool, where they threw a net over him.
DeVito has told Thai police he is only a Hollywood actor who plays villains in the movies and said he was only in the Kingdom to have sex with young girls.