EURO ZONE – In an indisputable demonstration of karma, the nation of Greece has gone bankrupt a mere 2,500 years after it created the evil known as democracy.
“There can be no doubt that the two events are related,” explained Dr Pongsivat Dharalongsivat, professor of the Faculty of Buddhist Theology at Thammasat University. “In creating this idea that one man should have one vote, regardless of his social standing or internal moral merit, the Greeks essentially rejected all morality and invited chaos into their world. Now, the descendants of Pericles are paying the price for the misdeeds of their forefathers.”
Dr Pongsivat further stressed that the Greek population’s decision to overthrow the Council of Aeropagus in favor of directly electing the strategoi and handling differences in the Assembly was a “blasphemous repudiation of wise elites in favor of uneducated anarchy” which inevitably led to the amassing of public debt and the collapse of the banking system twenty-five centuries later.

“For all those so-called experts around the world pressuring nations to adopt democracy, I would suggest they look at this Greek tragedy and learn its obvious lesson,” he continued. “I mean, what else has Greece accomplished in this time? Nothing I can think of.”