‘Nation’ Seeks Font Size Big Enough For Final, Final Showdown To End All Showdowns Headline

The limits of technology have been reached, plead researchers

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BANGKOK – Editors at The Nation were scrambling this morning to locate a font size bigger than any of the sizes previously used by the paper in the lead-up to Friday’s assets verdict case.

Editor Thaong Kantong was furious when he was told that 108 pt was the largest font size available and had already been used on the front page 15 times in the previous 24 days.

Shouting across the newsroom, he ordered his graphic designers to find an even bigger font. “What do you mean 108 is the limit?” he said. “This story is much bigger than the 108 size font. There is no 110 or even 112? This is a huge story. I want the headline right across the front page top-to-bottom… whole headline. Can we run the paper horizontally?”

Asked what the headline would be for Friday’s paper, Thanong said, “It will depend on the font size and how many letters we can fit but no matter what you will be able to read it from a 100 meters away.”

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