Obama Ascends To Heavens On Cloud To Go Get Crabcake Sandwich
MOUNT OLIVET, MA — And on the third day back from Martha’s…
Scientists Predict Obama To Age Terribly In Next 4 years
As political analysts and pundits speculate about the next four years and…
Obamas Pitch Tent on White House Lawn
The new President informs the First Lady that she has been drafted…
Southerners, Farmers Rejoice at Obama Victory
Farmers, fishermen, urban laborers, rubber tappers and those just "born that way" celebrated…
Democrats Agree to Seat Florida and Michigan Delegates In “Obstructed View” Areas of Pepsi Center
WASHINGTON DC - The Democratic Party has agreed on a compromise that will allow Florida and Michigan delegates…
Hillary Clinton Plans to Land Jet on Aircraft Carrier With “Mission Accomplished” Banner in Background
INDIAN OCEAN - Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton will land a jet on…
Hillary’s ‘Obama Will Die’ Strategy Leads To New Hampshire Win
NEW HAMPSHIRE – New York Sen. Hillary Clinton’s strategy to paint fellow…