Tag: nana plaza

Introduction Of Belgian Beers Fails To Improve Go-Go Bar Experience

NANA PLAZA – The addition of six gourmet imported Belgian beers to…

Obese, Diabetic, Smoking Sex-Tourist Is Appalled At Lack Of Nana Plaza Fire Exits

NANA PLAZA — The lack of a rear fire exit and a…

ESPN Star Sports Now Broadcasting Nana Plaza’s “Ride The Bull”

BANGKOK — Desperate to increase its flagging programming options without investing any…

Bitter Expat Predicts Thai Economic Collapse for 10th Straight Year

YASOTHON – Long-time Thailand resident and chronic pessimist Robert Arnold celebrated his 10th consecutive year…

Where You Go?

Hello handsome man. Come inside have a look please. Welcome. Sit here…

Samak Receives Invisible Hand Job

BANGKOK – Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej says he was sexually assaulted last…

Bar Girls Protest Documentary Portraying Them As Whores

BANGKOK – The Bar Girls’ Union is upset at a new documentary…