Tag: set

Stock Market Correction Delights Poorest, Stupidest Expats

BANGKOK – Last week’s near-100-point drop in the Stock Exchange of Thailand’s…

Appearance Of Heir In Film Anthem Sparks SET Sell-Off

BANGKOK – The release of a version of the King’s Anthem film…

SET Pretends To Be Connected To Economy, Falls

BANGKOK – The Stock Exchange of Thailand, in a move designed to give…

Selling Thai Stocks For Any Reason Now Punishable By 5 Years In Jail

BANGKOK – Activity on the SET came to a halt today when…

2,944 Stock Traders Arrested For ‘Believing’ Rumors

BANGKOK – Every licensed stock broker in Thailand was arrested yesterday for having…

Bitter Expat Predicts Thai Economic Collapse for 10th Straight Year

YASOTHON – Long-time Thailand resident and chronic pessimist Robert Arnold celebrated his 10th consecutive year…