BANGKOK – The continued rumors and threats of New Years’ bombs is finally giving small business owners in the capital something to celebrate.
Recent polls on social media and leading newspapers suggest that many revelers are choosing smaller venues this year, believing that terrorists are more likely to select large crowds and venues as targets.
As a result, small bars and restaurants are seeing a spike in bookings.

“We’re looking at the best New Year Holiday in a decade,” said Wuttisuk Peeradamrung, a member of the Bangkok Restaurant SME Association. He says members are reporting an uptick in reservations that could add up to a 200% improvement from 2007.
The association has sponsored a marketing campaign designed to capitalize on the small-is-safer sentiment, launching banner ads online and print ads in lifestyle magazines that feature a masked man holding up a ticking bomb and saying “Small groups aren’t worth my timer.”
While sponsors of large events and venues are suffering a decline in bookings, many say that they remain optimistic in the long run.
“Small venues tend to catch fire easily, you know,” said a large outdoor beer garden who asked not to be named. “People just need to be reminded about their other fears once in a while. It’s a cycle.”