Latest Thailand News
Southern Insurgents Demand Partial Credit For Wrecked Economy
YALA – As the kingdom plunges into economic recession caused by global…
Democrats Promise Isaan Micro-Loans, Death Squads
BANGKOK – Following the Royal endorsement of the new Cabinet, the ruling…
Nation Editor Finally Gets To Use “Black October” Banner
BANG NA — With the long-awaited breakout of horrific violence in the…
Apirak Promises Promises, Fulfills Promise
BANGKOK – Apirak Kosayodhin promised today he would make even more dramatic…
17% of Thai Men Have Been A Cabinet Member At Some Point
BANGKOK - A startling study of Thai census records has revealed that…
Princess Shows Talent By Reviewing Own Movie
BANGKOK — Following the successful premiere of her first movie Where The…
Desperate Tourism Authority Revokes Exit Visas
BANGKOK – Facing the steepest drop in tourist arrivals in over 20…
Paedophile Caught in Country That Is Not Thailand
NEW JERSEY, USA - A global manhunt led yesterday to the capture…
Thaksin Blames Stars for Asset Concealment, War on Drugs
BANGKOK — Citing “Heavenly movements beyond my control,” former Prime Minister Thaksin…
French Expats Still Getting Hottest Thai Girlfriends
BANGKOK – French men who come to Thailand continue to somehow end…