BANGKOK — The Metropolitan Police are taking “no chances” with security and have ordered 12,000 valet parking attendants for this Thursday’s gathering of supporters of the Democrat Party, who will hold their campaign’s biggest rally in the Rajprasong area of the city.
“We are not taking sides in this election,” insisted Gen Wichean Potephosree, head of the Metropolitan Police. “We are simply making sure that no violence, chaos, or unrest occurs during this event.”
The specially-trained valet parking attendants represent the largest force of its kind ever assembled for a single event, underscoring the police chief’s concern about such a large mass gathering of upper-middle class urbanites in a single, limited-parking location.
With over 30,000 attendees expected, most of them driving themselves, many experts have predicted apocalyptic traffic jams, possibly the worst ever seen in Bangkok. Numerous foreign embassies have warned their citizens to avoid the roads in the CBU Thursday because of “mass traffic snarls” and the possibility of violence if there aren’t enough parking spaces.

Democrat leader Abhisit Vejjajiva has taken the initiative to assist police concerns, repeatedly telling supporters to use the BTS or car-pool to reduce vehicle numbers. However, many observers believe that the embattled Prime Minister simply doesn’t have the power to get middle- and upper-class Thais out of their cars.
Fortunately, many of the shopping malls in the Rajprasong area have offered their parking garages for the rally, with certain conditions such as a minimum ฿500 purchase, or two cinema tickets.
Police, however, remain convinced that a massive show of valet parking force is the only way to avoid trouble.
“A person who can’t find parking often starts behaving irrationally,” said Gen Wichean. “It’s best not to take any chances.”