Tag: pattani

Prayuth Urges Thais To Keep Bombings In South Where They Can Be Safely Ignored

BANGKOK — The army chief directed a strong statement today at the…

New Reality TV Show Awards 10M Baht To Any Surviving Teacher In South

PATTANI – In an attempt to counter the massive exodus of teachers…

Panic As Nation’s 1,652nd Bombing Injures Non-Southerners

BANGKOK – The citizens of the nation’s capital woke up this morning…

Deep South Violence Bumped From Front Page By Sexier Disaster For 327th Straight Week

PATTANI – With the dramatic flooding in Thailand’s mid-south dominating headlines, the…

Dearth Of Carnage In Deep South Takes Toll On Local Freelancer

BANGKOK – Freelance photographer Tom Henry left the gruesome scene of a traffic…

Muslims Hastily Spliced Into King’s Anthem Film

BANGKOK – The release of Major Cineplex’s new video of the king’s…