Army Bans 10 “Dangerous Books” From Bookstores
BANGKOK — Citing the need to promote harmony in society, the National…
Junta Name Change Earns Instant Global Legitimacy
BANGKOK — Global criticism of the military coup d'état that seized power…
Social Scientists Discover New Species Of Coup In Thailand
BANGKOK — Researchers today announced the discovery of a previously unknown strain…
1-in-4 Bangkokians Suffering From Post-Traumatic Whistle Disorder
BANGKOK – Following months-long protests on the streets of the nation’s capital,…
TAT Launches “Totally Amazeballs Thailand” Campaign
BANGKOK – In a concerted effort to rehabilitate the kingdom’s image as…
Suthep Leaves Protests For Emergency Whitening Treatment
BANGKOK – Suthep Thaugsuban, secretary-general of the People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC)…
Non-Naked, Non-German, Non-Sex Tourist Plunges From Hotel Window
BANGKOK – The Royal Thai Police are asking the public to help…
Thais Protect King From Deadly Ballots
BANGKOK – A possible overthrow of Thailand’s longstanding and revered monarchy was…
Prayuth Urges Thais To Keep Bombings In South Where They Can Be Safely Ignored
BANGKOK — The army chief directed a strong statement today at the…
US Embassy Urges Citizens To Stockpile Bland, Unhealthy Food
BANGKOK – In an emergency message sent to all registered US citizens…